Is Tangerine Dream now, after the death of founder Edgar Froese, the legitimate successor of the band that initiated the Berlin School style in the early ' 70s? I think so, and I say it fully convinced after seeing and listening to them on the stage of Szczecin Philharmonic in Poland on June 9th. The event was the first large concert in the new formula: Thorsten Quaeschning, Ulrich Schnauss, Hoshiko Yamane. All three are artists with solo careers and remarkable independent projects. I would add to this line-up a fourth member: Bianca Froese-Aqcuaye, the last wife of Edgar Froese, responsible -among other things - for the graphics of the latest Tangerine Dream albums. Thanks to her, my tangerine dream was fulfilled unexpectedly this summer. I wanted very much to repeat the experience of 2008 when I have done photography for Klaus Schulze (feat. Lisa Gerrard, credit on the audio-video album "Rheingold"), this time with the other great name of the Berlin School of electronic music. After a cordial exchange of messages with Bianca, I have received the requested accreditation and so I became "the band photographer" (mention next to my name on the entry list at the Szczecin Philharmonic). More than three hours I walked with the camera as quietly as possible among the spectators, sometimes reaching the privileged angles of the concert hall, such as behind the scenes, or even behind the video projection screen. Enjoying Tangerine Dream music while taking photos is a very stimulating challenge.
Only now, after the release of the double CD "Live at the Philharmony Szczecin-Poland 2016", I publish some of the photos taken at the concert. The reason for the delay is a deal made with Bianca Froese-Acquaye from the perspective of using these images in the booklet of the new live album. I had no confirmation until I actually held the album in my hands. I was very pleased to note that most of the photos in the double CD booklet were mine. It was an incredible and joyful surprise. This visual contribution represents an opportunity to express my gratitude for the music of the legendary German group that I have been listening to since childhood. The concert was in honor of Edgar Froese. Tangerine Dream entered the Quantum Years stage, a post-Edgar Froese creation period started this year with the Quantum Key EP, seconded by Live at the Philharmony Szczecin, which will continue with Quantum Gate. I invite you to see below an album with some of the photos I took at the event and the official trailer of the concert in Szczecin.