Note: although the show is presented in Romanian, the interview with Prem Joshua is in English and can be heard starting at 3:25 in the podcast.
"When a musician becomes perfect, he throws his instruments." (Chinese proverb)
On 26 June 1966, the most famous violinist met the most famous sitarist for a concert that brought together Indian and Western classical music for the first time in history. Ravi Shankar and Yehudi Menuhin have played on the stage of the Bath Musical Festival in England and their recorded sessions became "West Meets East", the first world fusion album ever recorded. A few decades ago, the way opened by Shankar and Menuhin turned into a territory of freedom of expression that generated a new musical tradition, contemporary and trans-global.
Prem Joshua is one of the modern pioneers of this genre. Born in 1958 in Germany, Prem was initially caught in the hippie movement, the anti-establishment counterculture of the 60s and 70s. His fascination with the Orient began with the music of Ravi Shankar and continued with long periods of time spent in India. His main instrument is the sitar, which he first acquired in the late 70s, in Dehli, at an incredibly small price compared to the money requested today for it. As his own style developed, he blended Eastern styles with Western forms using Indian flutes, sax, drums, electronic sounds, and Tarana-style vocals (using only a few words and syllables). Anchored in the traditions of the Indian subcontinent and, at the same time, connected to the pulse of Western music, Prem Joshua has carved out a new path in spiritual fusion music.
I was delighted to meet him this summer at Dakini Festival in Romania where he and his band gave a memorable concert. On this occasion, I took the opportunity to record an interview with Prem Joshua for a new edition of "Journeys to the Infinite".
PREM JOSHUA Official: http://www.premjoshua.com/
PREM JOSHUA & Band Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PremJoshuaAndBand/