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STEVE ROACH: Journeys to the Infinite, podcast turned into compilation album

On March 9, 2020, the Ambient pioneer Steve Roach published a new compilation: "Journeys to the Infinite". The title of the album and our show name are the same and that's not a coincidence. The tracklist selection spanning 33 years represents the mix I've done as a musical companion to my recent interview with the American maestro. As if interviewing Steve was not enough, I was surprised to see this selection transformed into a release available on his Bandcamp page. To be credited as the curator of an official Steve Roach compilation named after our show is something beyond my imagination. I will not reproduce here Steve's words, but his enthusiastic feedback and support sound surreal. I am filled with overwhelming gratitude for this kairos moment.

Feel free to check this special album available as a name-your-price download. I hope you will enjoy it. As Steve likes to say: „Onwards and upwards”!


The Bandcamp page for „Journeys to the Infinite”:

Our interview with Steve Roach:


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